Backpack Room:800NTD per night (No breakfast include.)

  It's possible to add one extra bed on each flat.
  Personal valuables can be placed into the lock draw. Please remeber to return the key after you check-out.
  Provide public bathroom and shower.
  Please take off the bed sheets and pillowcases after check-out.





Sea Side Room:5000NTD per night (4200NTD on Nov.-Feb. ) /500NTD for extra bed (No breakfast included.)


  • 因為愛地球,我們不提供一次性用品,請記得自備:牙刷、牙膏、浴巾、個人衛生用品(海景房有提供浴巾)
    We don't provide any disposable products. Please bring your own towles, tooth brushes and tooth pastes. (We provide towles in the Sea Side Room.)
  • 淋浴間提供的洗澡用品是布朗博士薰衣草18 in 1全效潔膚露,可洗頭與身體還有多項洗滌功能
    We provide Dr. Bronner's Pure - Castile Soap. Not only can wash face, body, hair, also have mutiple uses.
  • 因為愛大海,以及倡導愛自己的身體,全店寢具、室內空間與浴廁皆使用布朗博士森呼吸家務萬用清潔劑清洗
    We love the ocean and our own body. All the cleaning products in this house are using Dr. Bronner's Asl Suds Biodegradable Cleaner.
  • 吹風機如有需要熱風罩,可以向我們索取
    If you need a finger diffuser, please let us know.
  • 一樓及三樓房內皆請勿飲食,如有需要飲食請至二樓。請勿將個人物品放置於二樓空間。
    Plases DO NOT drinking and eating on first and third floor. Eating and drinking are only allow on second floor.
  • 二樓空間只能使用到晚上10點
    Only allow to use the second floor before 10pm.
  • 除了住宿客人可以暫時放置衝浪板至退房時間,非住宿朋友請將板子自行帶走,或付費當日寄板服務
    Only customers are allow to leave their surf boards temporary before checking out. Otherwise you will need to pay for the space to put the board. 
  • 如有到海邊遊憩,回來後請走菜園的後門,先將腳上的沙子沖洗乾淨再入室內
    If you had sand on your feet, please come through the back door to wash off the sands before you enter.
  • 住宿費用不包含使用重訓器材,如想要自行訓練,需加收100元/兩小時,並在非教學期間使用
    For using the fitness equipment will be extra charge. It's 100NTD/ 2hrs.
  • 本店歡迎寵物入住,但須於當天押金500元現金清潔費。寵物可以上床,但如果在室內地板便溺或破壞傢俱等行為,將沒收500元清潔費(並補齊損物品原價賠償之費用),若退房後確認沒有問題則全數歸還
    Pets friendly. Pets are allow to stay,however it will be an additional 500NTD per pet for the deposit. Pets are allow to go onto the bed. We will return the pet deposit after we check out all the furntures arent damaged and no urinate and defecate.
  • 室內全面禁止吸煙,如在門外吸煙請將煙蒂丟入垃圾桶,勿隨意丟棄門口或下水道,造成環境污染
    No smoking in the house. If you smoke outside, please throw the cigarette butts in the garbage can.
  • 請隨手關燈與冷氣,愛護地球,節能減碳
    Please switch off the lights and A/C when you leave.
  • 如有違規並勸導不聽者,一律加入拒絕往來黑名單,恕不再接待,請自重
    If you didn't follow these rules and we found out. We will add you to blacklist.

訂房請加Please add Line ID to have a reservation: @350jsrnp

  • 須於住宿前匯款,匯款後才成功訂房。可選擇匯款全額或訂金(住宿費的20%),住宿當天再支付尾款。
  • 若不克前來,將不退還訂金,可選擇於3個月內更改訂房日期。已匯款全額的客人,將退回80%的住宿費。
  • 若遇天災或確診,取消訂房可退費全額。